Soul Healing Circle - Ten Souls Only


(Consultation Call Necessary)


👨‍👩‍👧‍👧This is the year where I help you re-parent yourself in the cradle of a family we create for the purpose of healing.

You receive the unconditional love, guidance, and approval that you always craved and always deserved.

THIS family we forge lasts beyond this one year as the bonds we create are real and unbreakable.

🫂Within the love of this family, where you get to experience making mistakes, being vulnerable, and being authentically yourself without rejection, without disdain, without judgment and instead be welcomed and showered with approval and understanding, you will find healing, self-love, total confidence, and inner peace.

🧠I will show you how to permanently rewire your survival brain into calm, peace, and self-mastery. I will teach you how to connect with your higher selves and spirit and expand your gifts of clairvoyance, mediumship, healing and energy work.

👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨💵🏡🚀I will show you how to manifest any and all of your desires using imagination, energy, and intention.

💖At the end of this year, you will be healed, whole, confident, and a master manifestor who can give herself ANYTHING she desires, including a partner, a perfect job, a buisness that fulfills her and the money that keeps her safe and free.

How it will work:

➡️We will meet for Group Sessions every WEEK (52 Sessions).

➡️We will meet for 1:1 Sessions every WEEK (52 Sessions).

➡️AND there will be Zoom Check-Ins 2 Times a WEEK (104 Check Ins).


🫂You will be with me and/or your Soul Healing Family FOUR times a week.🫂

💞You will be immersed in support and love and understanding and constant and consistent guidance on how to love yourself, forgive yourself, heal your traumas, and rewire your overthinking survival brain into relaxation and calm. 🧭


THIS immersive experience is necessary to radically REWRITE your survival trauma brain into a healed, relaxed, and confident brain.



➡️ Access to the Healing and Manifestation Blueprint Online Course ... a journey through the process of healing your soul, rewiring your brain, and aligining with your manifestation magic.

11 In-Depth Video Modules leading you through the entire process I used to heal myself.

From understanding the dynamics of your survival brain, to creating brain-soothing affirmations that work for you, rewiring your subconscious through inner child healing meditations, and learning everything you need to start manifesting intentionally.

This course is chock full of exercises, explanations, workbooks, and meditations, designed to lead you ste-by-step through your own transformation process.

➡️Access to one Multi-Day Workshop every two months on different topics from "How To Get In Touch With Your Intuition" to " Healing Your Attachment Trauma"

➡️ Bonus 1:

You receive Access to the Membership Price for Additional Sessions (currently at $111)

➡️Bonus 2:

You get 24/7 voice and text message support from me. I usually respond within 12 Hours (often a lot sooner).

The Legal Stuff that I have to Include:

Jess Taylor is not a licensed mental health professional. By registering for the course, workshop, challenge, or therapy program you agree to assume full responsibility for your mental health and seek professional mental health care if needed or suggested by Jess Taylor. You further agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Jess Taylor and Soul Healing with Jess, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, representatives and/or agents from any claim, liability, loss, cost, damage, judgment, settlement or expense (including attorney's fees) resulting from or arising in any way out of injury (including death or suicide) to any person or damage to property arising in any way out of any act, error, omission or negligence on the part of Jess Taylor and/or Soul Healing with Jess in the performance or failure to fulfill the above services or obligations.


Your Coach

Jess Taylor

Masters in Psychology

Intuitive Therapist

Manifestation Coach

Jess Taylor has developed multiple therapy programs based on neuroscientific principles to permanently rewrite self-limiting beliefs, heal manifestation blocking memories and traumas, and create magnetic energetics in a person's energy field.

© Soul Healing with Jess, LLC 2025